"Geospatial data is the link identifier between objects, people, systems, and the environment. It exists in tiers, from a simple address, to timeseries data for a moving vehicle, to derivative geospatial data that uses timeseries data and applies techniques such as machine learning to generate further insight." - Innovate UK KTN, Meeting Net Zero with the Power of Place
Everything you need to know about Geospatial Data
Dirty location data is a pet hate of mine, and I think there’s still too much of it around. From points of interest and customers in the wrong place, to app-based data from small samples, bad decisions will be made today because of this....
GeoTrio Events Showcase Green.io Intent
After 3 fascinating days, it’s clear that Geospatial Data Science is now at the heart of successful sustainability solutions across the public and private sectors - and not just in tech-heavy ‘.io’ startups . But this is not purely about tech, platforms, stats or analytics:
"Geospatial data is like the internet used to be in the 90s: no one understood its potential until one day it became essential"
Please reach us at info@sandscape.space if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Contact us for advice on the most reliable footfall / mobility data suppliers and the best platforms for identifying outcomes from the data.
newgrove.com is one leading supplier providing a dynamic location intelligence solution.
Find out about some of the challenges with app-based marketing insight and fixing bad location data in the mobile advertising sector with GeoProve
Drop us a line for a free data consultation, to help find the right direction: info@sandscape.space
"Geospatial will facilitate sustainable development... ‘normal’ is not static — it changes with time"
- Arup Dasgupta, Managing Editor at Geospatial World
SandScape has experience of numerous data suppliers, is founded on the principles of sustainable development, supports the 17 SDG's and is part of the Amnick social enterprise network - to help amplify your sustainable business goals.